They had people out here supporting a mask ban and acting COVID doesn’t exist because Corporate America said so.
They had people out here supporting a mask ban and acting COVID doesn’t exist because Corporate America said so.
This is a dangerous game being played here. Everyone knew these races would already be close and Biden seems to be losing support despite how awful Trump is and objectively worse his policies are. There is no clear solution but I hope they figure it out quick. Not being Trump the second time around was always going to depend on how people viewed his performance for the last 4 years.
It is crazy how missing one shot could have changed the course of history. People are really trying to paint this guy as a leftist because of a donation lol.
This isn’t like other elections in the past. But at the same time there is no clear full proof solution for another person to take the wheels. They should do whatever it takes to make sure Trump and Trumpism is defeated long term.
We need more of these dudes getting held accountable.
It is crazy, A big block of Trump’s base is also Women. They seem to have no issue stripping away the rights of other women. People say don’t let politics affect your relationships, it should when it comes to enabling fascism.
Project 2025 Rich Tax Cut Damage and Aftermath
Women’s Rights being taken away.
Affiliation with White Nationalists and Racists.
Then they would also need a message of what the future holds (which they haven’t done well other than not Trump.) Biden doing something about rent is a good start.
That thing with Bernie to get rid of Medical Debt on people’s records.
Anything else.
You are the person this article is talking about lol. Everyone knows we live under a duopoly.
It has always been this way. Their slogan is Blue No Matter Who. It is moraless and about getting the job no matter what the cost. We’ve seen in real time when Biden throws groups under the bus with the term Bipartisanship slapped in front of it.
Bring up issues in advance and get shouted down. Then when things like the debate happens and it is unavoidable, It will be acceptable to talk about Biden’s issues. I’ve accepted that it is about maintaining comfort for them, not progress or fixing systematic issues.
He would be better saying nothing at all on this. This is just insulting.
It is something good but he will need to get more aggressive than that to fix issues with rent/housing.
I’ve never seen someone get so many free passes for the stuff he does.
Stop showing these folks human decency and calling them your colleagues. They will not do the same for you, and are only okay with their in group having rights and not being harmed. It is long overdue Trump cultists to sit in the environment they created. You can not earn any good will with the crowd that think JFK was going to come back to life.
I don’t understand the DSA’s purpose if it is just to funnel people into the Dem party. Their views will never line up with the corporate party.
People in power really don’t like The myth of decorum, a “polite” society coming to end. People can see how silly it is to say this while being active in an ongoing genocide. There is no unifying with Trump cultists. They are not good people even if they are my fellow countrymen.
Republican voter and somehow this will be blamed on everyone else.
I don’t want that loser to win, but this only helps him.
Well this helps hand him the election.
Damn this is worst case dude is going to be made a maytr for this bs.
This is the guy that stands between whatever this status quo is and the Trump brand of fascists. We’re cooked.
This country is cooked that number is way too high.