Lol conservatives
Lol conservatives
all Trump has to do is […] not say anything too stupid
I take it you’re new to trump
Lemmings love to shit on Biden no matter what he does. Literally no matter what. Please criticize him or any leader, but maybe also check your bias against individuals.
And you say you’re not a trump simp.
I don’t see what’s surprising here. They provide services for users globally. Not that it’s justified, it’s just kind of weird that people think global scale computing is light on electricity, apparently
There aren’t sufficient words to describe the lack of intelligence in this comment.
Your point is not clear. Should we be trying to convince her to do something she would literally never do?
What the fucking fuck? Yeah only the most vulnerable billions use it. Not a big deal.
Uh, why would they do this?
Ah yes, he actually thought that they are the same people and that Trump has actually been his VP. Yep. That. It’s not a slip of the tongue, nope, it’s advanced dementia. /s
It is a factually wrong headline.
Okay yes that’s a thing. It’s also a thing that kids who would be too discouraged to vote at all would vote for Harris. We can’t really know how that would shake out exactly, because both groups are hard to quantity.
Ah so Biden did something stupid, that means others get a pass to also assume their knowledge is comprehensive without evidence. Perfect argument.
Yeah this is a bullshit headline. He said the wrong thing. Just way less concerning than what is implied.
It’s also fucking surreal that so many people think they know everything.
Lol as if sexists and racists are voting democrat
don’t thread on me
Nudist trumpers?
But defeatism tho!
Actually practically no one is changing their vote for any reason, but this does force Republicans to squirm and that’s a good thing. But sure, Biden did it so it’s horrible