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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • And you are missing what I was trying to say. The point of the person you were initially responding to and my point is the consent part. Should people be given the vaccines of course. Should people have the blood test of course. But there’s still something called consent.

    Let me give an example of what I’m talking about of how doctors and the medical community have gone off the rails. There is a lady I know of. She said yes she wants her kid to be vaccinated, but she wanted to spread out the vaccines not over years that would be ridiculous. But maybe have the first one done on the current visit or the current visit. And then maybe the next one or two on the next visit. Or possibly in every other visit but she would still get them but just go at a slower pace. The doctors blatantly accused her of being Anti-vaccine where in that statement is she anti-vaccine? Why did she want to spread out over a slightly longer period of time I’m not talking years just a slightly longer period of time? I don’t know, but you know what I guess. It’s not really relevant. the kid would still get them. it just might take a few more months or something to get them. Is that really that big of a deal? Yet the doctors blatantly called her anti-VAX.

    People should always have the right to have a say in their medical treatment.

    And that’s the point that person you were responding to and also my point is called consent. For some reason too many people look at doctors and say that well they know everything. They’re the doctors so therefore we should just blindly listen to what they’re saying.

    Again, I’m not anti-VAX I do believe everybody should be vaccinated and I honestly believe that to get into a public school you should be vaccinated., Unless there’s a serious medical reason to not get the vaccine.

    Same way with blood tests, they should be done. But they should be done with consent. We should not live in a society where you have no say whatsoever.

  • So you are saying hospitals should be able to do what ever they want without consent?

    Maybe I misunderstood what you were trying to say.

    It is reasonable to have to get consent before running tests or injecting something.

    Side note I do believe if people want to go to public school they should have to get vaccinated, unless a doctor can reasonably state in a particular case it would be a bad idea for one particular person (health reasons).

    I think sovcit idiots need their heads checked.

  • In 1948 when Israel was formed as a nation state, the borders were set at that time. It would not have been a problem but terrorists (think Hamas and other groups like that) kept going across the border into Israel and killing and committing other crimes. Israel fought back.

    As Israel fought back more cross border raids happened.

    Israel puts up the iron dome ( understandable because of the missiles being launched at them).

    Israel pushed their borders to try to get some breathing room. I disagree with their belief the area should be settled. Make it a DMZ ? Fine, that’s a legitimate usage. But to settle it? Now they are (in my opinion) expanding their territory and not creating a buffer zone.

    But I’m not sure what the answer is.

    Leave Palestine alone and allow hamas to keep doing cross border raids?

    Keep responding to the individual cross border raids and attack hamas? That doesn’t solve the problem because hamas will keep coming.

    Put other nations militaries on the border? Hamas will just call that an act of aggression by those countries and attack those militaries.

    Hamas has a belief that all Jews everywhere should be killed. So where would the Jews even go?

    Just expand their nation ( Israel) to the ocean? Ok then where do the Palestinians go?

    I’m not sure what the answer is.

    The state of Palestine was split to create two countries Palestine and Israel. Because historically that was the Jewish homeland. But how do we solve this current problem. I have no idea