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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Sorry to be pedantic but this isn’t being a hypocrite is it? I see it more like absolute ignorance, tiger ate my face, refusal to acknowledge science data and facts, etc that is also all very republican 101. But for once idk how hypocrite just thr extra layer of stupid

    Edit (and gonna reply to this edit the same thing cuz lemmy sucks at showing them and this is important) Ok I read another comment and it definitely put into context for me how this is hypocrital too!!! They wanna protect the children while doing this shit in unexpected places in front of children where it is much more graphic, traumatizing, and upsetting than the sanitized facts you’re getting , in an environment you’re anticipating and prepared for it and can sorta joke with classmates too …

    They wanna outlaw that but she’s down to whip a dick out and get sloppy in public.

  • To actually explain why, I think it’s because the theory is our president and politicians are supposed to be actually representing the people and have their saftey, best interest, and goals and/or morals in mind first and foremost.

    Damn I can see how that sounded perfect forever ago. Wonder which of our proposed solutions to current problems would have similar unexpected consequences, and I wonder what those would look like.

    Sorry if none of this made sense or was coherent to anyone. Don’t try to reread it I’m just high

  • Thank you for the discussion and self reflection your responses caused! I do mean this genuinely.

    I think maybe I’m not expressing clearly that I’m not mad he ridiculed and embarrassed him. I guess I just wanted an “and then”; don’t just burn them, bury and desecrate the body. Show depth of just how awful and hypocritical they are. But maybe that was clear and people still disagree! Idk so just throwing out that clarification one more time to quell the anxiety beast.

    In hindsight I was definitely looking at this emotionally and reacting as such. I did not read the article as a transcript of an interview in mind, which I really should have. I do still believe he let him get away with a lot though.

    Paying for an abortion then immediately saying that the abortion wasn’t your choice isn’t just hypocrisy, it is a nice little blanket that he can wrap around himself that people might not take beyond face value of the words. But dude voted with his dollar. Call him out on THAT.

    They get away with SO MUCH and I’m sick of seeing only one Itty bitty detailed being called out in the press AND social media.

    Sorry this isn’t at you just another passionate tangent. Totally see your point, I’m also never gonna be able to believe it is pointless to talk about because I started as someone who didn’t even know which is conservative and liberal. Like the words had no context. But reading thoughtful posts and discussions did teach/show me a lot to think about. Stuff like this where we aren’t on the same page but at least are on the same chapter in the same book.

    Someone is ALWAYS listening.

    However I think I WAS wrong with misplaced judgement and this wasn’t the type of media where my criticism would have made a difference and maybe not even be as helpful as is. I don’t wanna double down, when I watched and read the article the next day it was a lot harder to hold onto my initial take and I shouldn’t be trying to. So yeah definitely eating my hat a little. And thank you again!

  • I’m not talking reasoning with him. My point is that this is identity politics journalism and not even the core point. There is so much hypocrisy in the anti-choice crowd and making one look like an idiot isn’t going to change their minds.

    Abortion access is also not a thing all democrats care about, or something all Republicans care about either for that matter. Which is wild as this actually impacts the entire country, especially every person able to conceive. It is crucial we continue to discuss and drive the point home that it is a medical procedure that denying or restricting access costs lives. Don’t give them that inch that sometimes it’s different and is murder, it’s not Schroeder’s cat on if it’s a fetus or a baby. A journalist can call him out on his hypocrisy while shutting down his rhetoric as well.

    But this is just look at this pro-life hypocrite guys. Can you believe it we found another one! Add it to the pile. This isn’t teaching anyone, the public, anything. I thought that was the point of journalism and the free press.

    I take great offense at the it’s pointless rhetoric. It is never pointless, you don’t have to convince him or change his mind but you CAN and should strive to change the minds of people listening. We don’t form our opinions in a vacuum.

  • What policies specifically did biden implement that caused public health saftey? And keep in mind ALL of 2019 trump spent it downplaying the virus in every way conceivable and that other republican lead states and citizens listened to and adopted this. If the start runner does a terrible job it really doesn’t matter how well the next person does, they have hurdles no one else has to jump over. Including people believing that the virus is a hoax, masks don’t work, vaccines are dangerous, and even more. That’s an uphill battle. Context matters. And like China literally boarded up or even welding peoples homes shut without consent to keep them from breaking quarantine.

    So yeah I get a little fucking pissed off when some comfortable westerner tries to play devils advocate that an authoritarian state that impacts people I love is some sort of intellectual thought experiment of how could it be better than the very bad USA (which also sucks but for completely different reasons!!!) I noticed you completely skipped over someone else’s point that we are free to speak out in America and not really face any consequences but nitpicking some other quotes.

    Fuck this shit. I’m seeing so much more pro CCP shit on Lemmy and it is squicking me out. I’m not making this comment to convince you because you have made up your mind and have your own motives for sharing. Here is my movitve for repsoding… anyone reading this don’t believe what this person is saying without some critical thought. All the major governments suck right now to some degree. Be wary of anyone telling you that a government that has historically been horrible TO ITS OWN PEOPLE is for some arbitrary reason better than the west (and oh my gosh did everyone collectively forget HK protests and the human rights violations that happend there ?!!)

  • Is this a joke??? You are aware that the death toll in China vs other states is not the sole or even biggest reason their government is criticized right? And that for the first, most critical year of the pandemic, America had a president that liberals hated and was HEAVILY criticized. Especially how he handled COVID at literally every step of the way and anyone else who agreed with it. Because you know, it lead to so many deaths.

    Ugh can’t we go back to the old school edgelords who think they are vampires and wanna drink blood instead of making excuses for fascist governments and movements?