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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 13th, 2023

  • There are some absolutely cunning and insane stories in here. Fascinating.

    In a last-ditch attempt, Fabian von Schlabrendorff gave a time bomb camouflaged as a package of two liqueur bottles to an officer in Hitler’s entourage, as a supposed gift to a friend in Germany. The bomb was supposed to explode on the return flight over Poland. The package was placed in the hold of the aircraft, where it iced up, causing the detonator to fail. Realizing the failure, Schlabrendorff immediately flew to Germany and recovered the package before it was discovered.

  • Nevermind all the terminology gobledygook. This sounds an awful lot like a temporary tag, or a temporary permit to relocate a vehicle without a plate. Which I think is pretty standard in any state, and I can see a dealership begrudgingly doing this if it gets the car off the lot. But it’s very temporary, like days to weeks in my experience. I think the DMV would catch on if you kept coming back for permits.

    Also, I’m guessing sovcit here doesn’t have a “FARM USE” loophole in their state?

  • I can’t fathom it myself.

    Even if you bought yourself all the cosmetic surgery, life extending treatments, life extending drugs, toys, mansions, planes, airports, boats, gourmet food, personal entertainment, and (why not) all the sex you could possibly handle every day forever, it still wouldn’t come close to the billions some of these creatures have.

    It might also be possible that they’re in competition with one another, all while (re)building an aristocracy within the western world. 21st century wealth does not extend from land ownership like it did back in the 18th, and it can be argued that it now extends from control of labor itself; this mirrors the shift from industrial to information economy. I think that’s already happening with the consolidation of monster corporations we have these days.

    Another possibility I’ve tossed around is a tad more dark. If these animals are in the accelerationist camp, they’re hedging their bets and are prepared to “lose” billions in worth in order to stay on top when things fall apart. And if I’m right, we should see the ultra-wealthy attempt to build their own survival compounds and purchase self-sufficient infrastructure to achieve this; that includes “buying” governments.

  • I used to have a friend like this.

    Back in 2008, it was clear that she was watching Fox News for her primary source of “information” about the world and politics. Even then, it was a constant headache to push back against the one-sided, stilted, non-scientific, ideological slop that channel churns out. Since this was an election year, Facebook just made it even worse. She constantly re-posted all manner of emotionally provocative nonsense without thinking.

    After the election, it only got worse. I watched this person go from semi-reasonable and rational, to a slowly devolving, emotionally driven, irrational, and fearful person over the following three years. It was as if reason itself was slowly draining out of her life. To make matters worse: at the start of this, all of her friends were socially liberal and left-leaning to deep left politically. I, along with a lot of others, slowly pulled out of her social sphere. I think she only has political sparring partners left on Facebook.

    What makes me sad is that, outside of anything involving politics, this person was generous, kind, a great host, outgoing, and fun-loving. I want my friend back, but I also can’t afford the time to babysit another person’s broken brain forever.