Oh boy! I’ve built the last few days around not watching, and I can’t wait for the big finale of not watching today!
Developer and refugee from Reddit
Oh boy! I’ve built the last few days around not watching, and I can’t wait for the big finale of not watching today!
That whole thing is a monstrous mess, and anyone who thinks they have the solution almost certainly doesn’t.
I mean, putting myself in Biden’s shoes for a moment, what exactly is he supposed to do? If he cuts off all arms to Israel, that’s basically an open invitation to Iran and others to start an attack, leading to WWIII. If he gives them everything they want (the way Trump would) then say goodbye to all of Palestine… and probably still say hello to WWIII. And Netanyahu is obviously a madman. And Hamas is obviously a terrorist organization. And…
Fuck. Like, what the actual fuck is the solution? I don’t freaking know. But I do know that everything Trump touches either turns to shit, or (if it’s already shit like this) turns to more rancid shit.
Whose food was she sitting in front of?
Okay, now I’m looking for a Senate intelligence committee investigation of Jill Stein that looked into that photo and others, and I’m not finding it. When I look up the intelligence committee and Stein, what I find is the report that indicated Russian propaganda efforts to get people voting for her, but that’s it. Could you provide a link, please?
I actually tried to find the State Department statement on that, and couldn’t. Do you have a link?
Oh, she isn’t a serious or viable candidate for way more than that, not least of which is the fact that she’s a Russian asset.
No worries, it happens. This is the internet, after all. No way to convey tone of voice.
And? Throw crooks in prison, regardless of party. What, did you expect Democrats to defend him? Nah, circling the wagons is what Republicans do.
Oh boy, can’t wait to miss Day 2 of this!
Fascists always eat their own eventually. Always.
Don’t just vote… Offer to take friends, neighbors, and family members to the polls if they have trouble. Help them apply for mail-in ballots. Make sure Mango Mussolini doesn’t get anywhere near the Oval Office ever again.
“Nobody has seen” just about anything about this election. I want off this fucking ride, man.
The way I see it, every little bit helps. If even a little of the waste heat can be recaptured as electricity for operation, it’s a good thing unless the conversion itself has a higher energy cost, and from what I can tell, that’s not the case with this technique.
Any idea if those protests are making any difference? Watching Israel become this has been heartbreaking.
I hadn’t thought of that, but I guess it’s possible. Since COVID first appeared, we’ve learned a lot about how it affects people when they don’t take the time to fully recover and try to “push through,” as it were.
And I can think of no job more prone to inducing people to try to “push through” than the presidency.
Sigh… Well, that’s it. I think he’s done.
For the last five years, Republican attacks on Biden’s age and health have been continuous and stupid. For 4.9 of those years, they’ve been clearly and utterly baseless, which is what makes this doubly infuriating.
He’s had good moments since the “debate,” several of which were good enough to make me think he was fine and this was just more Republican bullshit. And even the debate itself, I thought he warmed up after the first twenty minutes or so, and was happily willing to believe he really did just have a cold + jet lag + the general lack of resilience that comes with very old age. Hell, get me sick and then hopped up on cough medicine and I become completely incoherent.
But this… This is two weeks later, and he still couldn’t hold it together. He still seemed listless and intermittently uncertain what was going on.
Maybe this is old age catching up to his speech impediment. Maybe it’s not an actual decline, it’s just the stress of the job and a lapse in his ability to make his mouth do what his brain wants it to do. Maybe.
But even if that’s the case, even if that’s all it is, communication is a core responsibility for the President of the United States of America. And for whatever reason, be it cognitive issues or just an inability to clearly talk, he simply isn’t communicating well anymore.
I hate saying this. I really do. He’s been a very good president. But he should step down and let Kamala Harris take the reins. It’s time.
Of all the things I’m not surprised by, this is one of them. The fact that a Republican accepts bribes from Vladimir Putin ought to be immensely shocking, but the last ten years have utterly destroyed my capacity to be shocked by these people.
Assuming this country survives, history books looking back at this era are going to be fucking wild.
I’m seeing a different list of stories when I follow your link. It may be an A/B sort of thing.
Thank you for your sacrifice.