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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: May 28th, 2024


  • So FEW trans people actually compete in sports to the level where this even matters. The fact that it even causes the general public to question the results of the sport is enough to not allow it. The whole spirit of competition is that people are playing on equal ground - and if it causes the public to question that equality, then it destroys the entire purpose. Sure, I hope that the public become more accepting of trans individuals over time, and that more studies are released that show they gain no advantage, but HRT is a rather new thing in human history. It’s us toying with nature, and just like genetic engineering - should be disallowed in competition. If India found some new goal in CRISPR to edit the human genome for gain in sport, and they entered the Olympics, everyone would frown upon it. Not because of sex, but because of tampering with the human body. The stated goal of all sports is competition and recognition of the most fit in our species. Modifying the human body is counter to the spirit of it.

  • I’m supportive of trans people’s rights to be left the fuck alone, and to be treated equally. But I also get that there need to be safe spaces for women to exist without some shadow-of-a-doubt in the back of their mind. Yes, that’s exclusionary, but remember the “Man vs Bear” debate a few months back? There are lots of women who are legitimately less trusting of men than they are a wild animal who will maul your face off.

    Yeah, I’m harsh with the way that I put things. I understand that; it’s a result of the harsh environment I grew up in as a kid. People who were raised more tenderly probably don’t like the way I speak about things. But I DO support LGBTQ individuals and their right to not be discriminated against; as best as I can reconcile that with my belief that women need places they can escape men entirely if needed.

  • So what is the actual fucking problem with ensuring that trans individuals aren’t discriminated against?

    The ONLY real argument for anything regarding trans individuals is sports. Women’s sports are divided out so they can compete equally. No sane person has a problem with ensuring that womens sports contains biological women throughout. And this affects FRAGMENTS of FRAGMENTS of the population (something like 0.15% when accounting for biological abnormalities)

    Everything else, renting, jobs, retirement, loans, etc – should abso-fucking-lutely be a protected class against discrimination. Trans people don’t deserve to be treated differently just because you’re scared of them. They aren’t trying to convert your children. They aren’t predators. They’re just wired differently. That’s all.

  • Hint – by manipulating or exploiting its code

    Which I am explaining, they…did…not…do…

    They did nothing to the code. They didn’t break the code, they didn’t cause the code to do anything it wasn’t designed to do. They did not exploit any code. They used an API endpoint that was in the open. For its intended purpose, to verify phone numbers. The api verified phone numbers, they verified phone numbers with the api. The only thing they did here…was they did verification on a lot of phone numbers.

  • Exploit. The system worked as intended, just without a rate limit. A hack would be relying on a vulnerability in the software to make it not function as programmed.

    It’s the difference between finding a angle in a game world that causes your character to climb steeper than it should, vs rewriting memory locations to no-clip through everything. One causes the system to act in a way that it otherwise wouldn’t (SQL injections, etc) – the other, is using the system exactly as it was programmed.

    Downloading videos from YouTube isn’t “Hacking” YouTube. Even though it’s using the API in a way it wasn’t intended. Right-clicking a webpage and viewing the source code isn’t hacking - even if the website you’re looking at doesn’t want you looking at the source.