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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I can’t read the article myself due to the paywall. But presumably these quotes are by the same individual? Why would any Democrat campaign take the advice of someone who has spent decades helping to get Republican presidents elected? Why would he offer his advice to them at all? Certainly not in good faith. And why would he be an expert at what makes a good choice regarding nominees? His campaigns have presumably lost as many as they’ve won and their electorate is motivated by fundamentally different things. And never has there been a situation like this for either party during an election, a former president and convicted felon and current president circling the drain.

    I don’t necessarily disagree with the sentiment, but given the source I don’t give the slightest fuck what his view point is on matters of the Democratic Party.

  • Even if that nonsense actually did mean anything at all legally, why would he think that would be acceptable to the other party? Dude thinks he can do the equivalent of making an agreement while crossing his fingers right in front of their face and they’re going to be like “yeah, this is fine”.

    And that’s before the fact that, if the signature doesn’t bind the agreement, then there is no agreement and that goes both ways. You’re not held to the terms of the agreement and neither are they, meaning no house for you.

    Or does he somehow think that since they signed for-realsies and he signed with an attached asterisk that says “psych!” that they somehow legally owe him the house and he owes them nothing? Could you imagine if the world actually worked that way? Why would anyone ever enter into a contract like that? These people who think that’s reality do not seem to realize what chaos such a system would actually bring.