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Cake day: August 9th, 2023


  • Maybe not, but capitalism and fascism want the same things. They don’t care about Biden’s age, just their wealth and not supporting anyone who threatens that. That’s why all the narrative around Biden’s age is all we get out of that debate. The wealthy own all means of communication.

    There’s a reason the saying, “the revolution will not be televised,” is relevant. I think you may be missing the plot a little as no one thinks CNN drugged or did anything else to Biden. But the media can make it so the national attention is on Biden. They want him replaced or they want tRump to win.

    They’re playing chess while a majority of Americans are fighting about who gets the white pieces and who gets the red ones [cause they’re playing checkers]!

  • Ding ding ding! Biden is a threat to the wealthy so the smear campaign is rich capitalists trying to replace Biden with someone they like more, or get tRump back in so they can get tax breaks. They care not for the dangers of fascism cause they’ll still make profit, but with fewer regulations and faster.

    Also, probably many of those implicated in the Epstein files are extremely wealthy and don’t want that info taking center stage at anytime. The wealthy like to see those bank account zeroes increase! Soon as you threaten that, they try to jail, replace, or “remove” them using their near infinite means. The same ones named in those files likely also own local news groups and can influence local and/or regional news.