• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • I don’t have any doubts. I have grave concerns that anyone, literally anyone, would argue that DT is a better option than Biden in any regard. That’s not to say I’m happy to have an old white dude as the nominee but he’s been exceptionally productive and has near infinite less baggage than the alternative.

    I’ve yet to be presented with a legit legal way Biden could drop out and allow voters to choose another candidate. Lots of opinions that he should do it but no experts weighing in on how. I could have missed a lot of coverage so I ask people to respectfully share this policy with me.

  • No. You can’t run a corpse as a nominee. That’s what the DNC is running one of the most, if not the most, productive presidents in modern times. And if this candidate, who also happens to be the oldest person ever elected president dies in office, there’s a vice president to take over.

    I genuinely don’t understand the call to replace the person who has already been nominated as the democratic candidate. The dude was old as shit in 2016 and shouldn’t have been nominated then. If anything, he’s convinced me he’s better at the job than I had imagined.

    Evidently, you can also nominate a rapist, twice impeached, insurrectionist, fascist, verifiable narcissistic who has no desire to help anyone but himself, and the other person who’d still hold the record for the oldest person ever elected president too; and for a growing number of Americans that’s better. Frankly, I honestly would vote for a literal corpse, given the option.

  • I could not disagree more with everything you have said.

    It’s an advertising portal disguised as an aggregator. It promotes articles that are the most click / rage baity to maintain your engagement. It is not a source of journalism. Linking to the general headline it “aggregates” is not proving source. It should be banned from this platform. If the quality of the content they aggregated was reasonable, I would have a slightly more forgiving opinion.

    Edit: For instance, while it does include AP as one of the sources, even though it is the actual ONLY source for this report, it’s the eleventh article linked on the page; with the first link going to a right-leaning website based Argentina.

    Edit 2: They also evidently “aggregate” using an algorithm which can be wrong. There are at least two different stories found here about a migrant raping a minor. One is about an Ecuadorian and the other is about a Honduran. The first link from a right-leaning Hungarian language site, doesn’t appear to be about either of these separate instances.

  • The matter that anyone would think otherwise is a bit surprising. Seems to me that a lot of people are believing what they’re reading on social media, or allowing social media to influence their assumptions, before they take a moment to step outside their echo chamber and consider what reality may look like.

    This headline alone is fueled by social media. Of course, Biden is old AF. But if anyone has actually watched him, within context - not in short edited vides to promote an agenda or generate click revenue, it’s apparent the dude is in fantastic shape for his age (better than me at nearly half his age). It’s also apparent if you give a crap about actual policy and our government, that he’s been one of the most successful, though certainly not without flaws, presidents in modern times. I don’t want to defend the guy - I’ve never been a fan - but reality is reality. Frankly, I would not be surprised if he doesn’t make it, alive, to the election. Moreover, if you’re unsure who you want to vote for this coming election, you sincerely are not thinking straight at all. Frustratingly, there is no choice. A mentally and physically deficient Biden is still inarguably better than a fit and acute Trump. I would encourage people to simply reject all election politics until November.