Thoughts intrusive, ass protrusive, trans inclusive

Things people have claimed I work for, on the payroll, or are some kind of propaganda agent.

Russian bot: 11

Chinese Communist Party: 12

Central Intelligence Agency: 11

Democrat Party/DNC: 9

Republican Party: 6

Bernie Bro: 9

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2023


  • “Biden’s debate was due to a cold.”

    “Okay he needs more sleep, it was jet lag. It’ll go away in a few days.”

    “So several democratic members of congress, nationwide democrats, and public agreement say Biden is unfit, but just wait until the news conference, they’ll see. Biden himself wants to stay in, so we should believe him.”

    President Putin and Vice President Trump.

    “…So all the media is bought out and on the side of Trump, don’t believe anything you see by credited publications. It’s fake news, boycott them. Boycott anyone who disagrees with us.”

  • I started calling his bullshit out in 2020 when he was an old racist who his now VP said he was an old racist whose policies impacted her. I knew him as the senator who didn’t believe Anita Hill when she said Clarence Thomas raped her. I knew him as the senator who made the 90’s crime bill that made BIPOC even worse off and acted like it helped them. I knew him as a senator who helped write the USA PATRIOT Act, the greatest mass removal of constitutional rights in the name of racist polices anti-terrorism.

    And even then I voted for him 2020 because he was “Not Trump.” Didn’t matter, I live in California, but I didn’t want smug NeoLibs saying my vote for the greens in 2016 in California is what single-handedly gave us Trump.

  • That’s like reporting on the sunset every day. Trump is a known monster, Trump is a known dipshit, Trump is known to be a criminal. We get news when something new happens. 36 felonies was news. Being sued for his rape is news. Him being unable to keep his mouth shut wasn’t news until he was given a gag order and violated it.

    If they dedicated every minute to Trump’s bullshit, we’d either:

    • Have no time for actual news, unless you dedicate an entire team to it.
    • Give him more free press from liberal media, which is why we got Trump in the first place, where even commentary and anti-Trump news anchors just let his speeches play unedited until they cut to the anchor.

    We do get news about Trump each day, the Project 2025 hacked showed he was lying about being ignorant of it, what a shock. No one cares about it until “what about trump?!”

  • Seeing as he got free press from liberal and conservative media for saying the most stupid, racist, sexist, evil things, and even liberal late night host Jimmy Fallon let him talk his entire shit platform for free, because the “commentary” was trying to match his hands.

    Meanwhile CNN intentionally left off Bernie from it’s polling and voter counts, like how Fox News didn’t talk about events that made Republicans look bad.

    Why not be a fucking weirdo who says the dumbest things possible? You get free press, there’s no such thing as bad publicity. When a child rapist can run for Senate from Alabama and have a good shot at winning, but saying “I don’t think we should be bombing people, we should open dialogues and send food.” is a moral outrage that means you hate America as a whole, why not be the worst possible person?

  • Cool, Biden should use those new get out of jail free cards to do a lot of shit to improve the lives of Americans and probibit Project 2025.

    The party about of rule of law just got told it’s rule of law to just do whatever as president, so go nuts. Pack the court. Forcibly remove the supreme Court. Ignore it.

    Hell the constitution never even said the Court has the right to interpret and block laws, that was due to the Court expanding its own power. We just went with it because Jefferson had his own Xanatos Gambit played on him.

    Come on Biden do something really cool with this, make them regret it.

  • So I’m now wondering if he would hold onto that until big pharma is off the hook for their role in the opiate epidemic.

    • Get the most lower class Americans struggling for healthcare (dawn of country)
    • Have them stick to their low paying jobs because they have healthcare (Dawn of the 20th century)
    • Get them hooked on opiates a rigged FDA approved of due to the company that made it funded the studies and had them on the board
    • Make them dependent on them when they get injured by buying doctors
    • Now you have a low income addict to a drug. Job fucks him over? Arrest him for homelessness. Police terry stop him? Arrest him for drug possession. He starts questioning how it all happened, “you’re some kinda commie lib hippy, arrest him!”

    Thomas wants liberals in jail, he doesn’t care how.

  • I have tried a seedbox before, but the bottleneck is the last mile of my home internet. I just have a Raspberry Pi 3B+ hooked onto my router via ethernet. I just log onto qBittorrent and tell it to go as I sleep, and turn it off when I wake up. The downloading is done already onto a spare laptop drive I have, and then I watch it via Jellyfin or sneakernet it over to a friend.

    I won’t say a seedbox is useless, I think it’s great, but due to how my living works, it’s not great. I’ve waited several minutes for a few PNGs to download, game updates often take hours. Not even counting how the actual fucking wind slows down my internet, due to the copper wiring being on poles like electricity. And I live in a place with so many windmills due to the natural features of the land creating daily wind storms from 4 PM until 7 AM.

    I really do appropriate the advice however!