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Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Milwaukee had private Catholic schools that blew the competition out of the water. Republicans came in and made magnet chater schools that only let in the best of the best. They, too, blew the public schools out of the water.

    The black parents said it was unfair, and opened up charter schools populated by students that won a “school lottery”, but used the same techniques and curriculum that the magnet and catholic schools used. Those student did worse then public school students.

    As it turns out, the selection bias of putting rich catholic students or the best of the best in one school over-powered the fact that the private curriculum and techniques were a hinderence to learning. Once the students that have parents that value education (and pay large sums for it) and the students that have high aptitude are removed, more private schools won’t help the remaining students.

  • I just want politicians that:

    • Grew up after reaffer madness craze
    • Knows that Cuba’s leader’s last name is not Castro
    • Was born after Israel switched from being bullied to being a bully
    • Didn’t live through the 70s oil shortage or at least understands that we are a net exporter of oil
    • Understands that there is no “center” to pivot to capturing after primaries, it is all about exciting your base

  • Just look at India’s court system (or the US immigration court system). Backlogs as far as the eye can see! Selective enforcement mixed with laws criminalizing everyone means those in charge can pardon or prosecute whomever they want.

    That is until AI gets beyond the toddler with no object permanence stage and suddenly the backlog starts disappearing and all the politicians start retroactively legalizing everything.

    Sort of makes me want to write that novel I’ve been putting off where a website pops up with a list of social security numbers + date + GPS + criminal statute code, and it turns out to be a list of the biggest crimes committed by each politician. No one knows where the list came from, but as each politician resigns, new sets of numbers pop up for their replacement.