…and then you get a sexy reply
The good ending…
Is it though…?
You from Alabama?
In before we find out OP is from Alabama and it turns out the wife and aunt are the same person.
The Hapsburgs, a Spanish noble house that held the Spanish throne, made a practice of the inverse of this with uncle-niece marriages to keep power in the house. This was the closest marriage the church would allow. The generations of inbreeding produced the distinct “Hapsburg jaw”. Eventually that led to the poor, ugly, absurdly inbred Charles II of Spain. And remember, those portraits are official portraits that paint him in the best possible light. He died without an heir, ending the Hapsburg monarchy.
It has always been kind of funny to me that the painters of these official portraits had to at some point get directions along the lines of “I want it to be flattering but clearly me” for some of the portraits they had to do of what had to be pretty bridge troll ugly looking people.
Talk about going home that night after getting the assignment, having a stiff drink, and wondering how the hell you are going to get out of this one.
You guys are still using texting apps that don’t let you delete sent texts?
Welcome to NA, SMS is still the norm despite there being objectively better alternatives like WhatsApp
There is no way I am installing any Meta filth on my personal devices
Bro over here said WhatsApp is good, lmao. Add all the filth available in other countries, plus the Meta AI and the UPI integration we have over here in India - it’s a privacy nightmare, a locked monopolistic ecosystem, a data farm and a huge attack vector for insecure system.
Isn’t WhatsApp owned by Meta? “Objectively” is a bold choice here.
Facebook is a better alternative hahahaha
I did this once… with my boss.
I was trying to respond to the gf and my fat fingers hit the wrong name in my texts. Didn’t notice until afterwards, and by then it was too late. I was never more glad to have someone pretend a thing had never happened.
I was tripping and accidentally sent the most insane shit to my coworker instead of my wife. We didn’t like each other anyway. That was only a couple weeks ago so still kinda waiting for the shoe to drop.
“If you’re driving down the ocean on a jetski and the wheels fall off, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?!?”
night sexy text send wife a late
I’m sure it’s past your time now, but if we raise awareness, perhaps we can save one person together…
Could be worse, could have been your mother or grandmother.
Something, something broken arms?