Is ignoring their plight “doing more” now, Joe?
Is ignoring their plight “doing more” now, Joe?
“I prefer supporters that don’t get shot.”
If he doesn’t like being blackmailed he could always just fund Twitter himself.
Say Elonald, why don’t you follow your own advice…?
Lol, when they say something like that, they’re really not-so-subtly asking you to quit fucking with their agenda. The disinfo doesn’t really stand up to scrutiny.
I’d wager yes.
My pet conspiracy theory is that they called it The Great Steal, because they cheated so fucking hard that it was simply IMPOSSIBLE for the Dems to win '20.
🎶Hello Poe’s Law, my old friend…🎶
Hard disagree.
Gr8 b8 m8. Got me gud.
Well, yeah. Wouldn’t wanna get involved in one of those limp-wristed, rainbow colored LIBRUL executions, now would we?
“You said it, man. Nobody fucks with the Jesus.”
“We wouldn’t have so much Covid in America if we’d quit testing.”
Yeah, that tracks.
what kind of asshole do you have to be, to be hated by dogs everywhere
Dogs’ sense of smell is anywhere between 10,000-100,00x stronger than that of a human. Now, imagine having that sense of smell, and being in the same hemisphere as trump… pretty self explanatory why the doggos despise him, no?
“If you’re driving down the ocean on a jetski and the wheels fall off, how many pancakes does it take to cover a doghouse?!?”
I did this once… with my boss.
I was trying to respond to the gf and my fat fingers hit the wrong name in my texts. Didn’t notice until afterwards, and by then it was too late. I was never more glad to have someone pretend a thing had never happened.
I’m pretty sure they ousted Madison Cawthorn for describing exactly this…
Damn you, you beat me to it. And i was thinking I’m all clever and shit.
🎵duhduh duh Let the boys be boys!🎶
They said real judge, not sock puppet.