This right it not to be infringed upon.

Also, keep in mind anything can become a weapon.

I’m not saying that I think violence is ok/necessary, but “everything‘s a nail, to a hammer.” People need better options; whether it’s regarding jobs/childcare/wanting more time with their kids, or the cost-of-living, while being force-fed commercials for pills and food like substances — many people are not “ok,” but the people of America will always find a way to move forward.


Seriously, don’t panic. Most people are kind, and know how to work together.

  • _emmerzzz_
    8 months ago

    I’m not a “gun person,” but I do strongly believe in the second amendment right to bear arms. It’s to protect ourselves against the government, not each other… and certainly not bears or whatever.

    But I also believe “Anybody with a finger can pull a trigger. Use your brain, kiddo.”

    That’s what I told my son when he went to the army.