I very genuinely hate the government.

They create a sickness in people and then peddle a Band-Aid labeled as a cure.

But the Band-Aid is contaminated. It creates a festering wound from what was a papercut.

I think the best and easiest way to fuck the government, and also help families, is to keep women home with their children.

Deleting half of the workforce would fuck them out of half of their income… AKA income tax.

Working is expensive. You have to look professional and buy clothes. You have to pay for a car to get there, and it’s accompanying insurance and gas.

Daycare is expensive.

We pay other people to care for our children, while being sad that we are separated from them.

Instead of breastfeeding, women hook themselves up to machines and look at a picture picture of their baby, in order to pay for that baby to be cared for by somebody else who is caring for multiple other children simultaneously.

Infant care should be one on one.

I’ve been that person. You cry and wish you could nurse and cuddle… oops! Break time is over. Was that even a break?

Am I the only one who sees how sick this is?

So, anyway that’s what I think. That’s how I feel. Fuck the government. Love babies instead.

I should be president. I’m not joking.

I would subsidize women staying home with their children. There’s lots of necessary work to be done at home. It’s the most important work on the planet.