Migrating here (or maybe keeping both) from @ArcaneSlime@lemmy.ml

Will put an eternal curse on your enemies for a Cinemageddon invite.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • I know a guy who survived being shot in the head, he says doctors told him only 5% of people shot in the head survive and less recover as well as he has (he has minor issues, you’d never know if he didn’t have a dent and some metal in his skull.) Sure you can easily hit an artery in the leg and leg shots are for sure deadly too, but I wouldn’t say head shots are less deadly lol.

    The training to aim center of mass is mainly because it is larger, if you’re familiar with The Patriot you may remember the scene where Mel and his small kids shoot at the British, he illustrates this point by saying “Remember, aim small miss small.”

    Aiming for a larger target means you’re more likely to hit the target, and yes in modern times it means you’re more likely to get proper expansion of a hollow point, which means you’re less likely to shoot through him into a bystander. It also does just so happen that the A zone contains the heart and lungs, which are vital organs much like the brain. Head shots are “more deadly” if you hit, center of mass is more likely to hit a vital area rather than miss simply by virtue of being larger.

  • The “I’m 18/21” button on websites has been around since I was a kid in the 90s, used to have to input the “actual” date too so I was born 01/01/1970 according to a lot of now defunct porn sites lol. Also still in use on tobacco, vape, alcohol, and gun websites as well.

    But yeah as I am am example of, lying is always possible lol. I guess this passport or the ID thing in some states is supposed to hinder that, but torrent sites throw a wrench into any censorship efforts and they’re already illegal, they won’t play ball with the ID bullshit, ever.

  • The only thing that would worry me is that he doesn’t have to love the FSB (used to be KGB), he just has to love not being thrown out of a window enough to comply with whatever they may wish, like oh say a Russian state owned Trojan not being detected by it or something. Not that they’re definitely doing that, but the possibility isn’t 0%.

    I mean it’s basically the same reason I don’t trust much of the US based proprietary software, just %s/FSB/CIA/g, the only real reason to trust one over the other is if you trust either agency more than the other IMO, otherwise distrust both.