He could be a dyed-in-the-wool GOP for six generations with no connections to any Left organization whatever.
He’ll be branded as a woke Antifa with a Black trans GF who was brain washed with peyote by a Native Shaman at a Liberal college.
Article says he was registered republican, but donated $15 to a grassroots democratic group shortly after the capitol riot, so… there you go.
deleted by creator
The Act Blue entry has a Pittsburgh address (not Bethel Park, where the shooter was from).
Wrong guy. That guy was 50, not 20. He did, supposedly send $15 to a progressive group. Let’s wait for the reports. Lots of rumors and misinformation. Bat-shit conspiracies to follow.
I doubt that will matter to the people who want it to be true. Honestly I feel so sad looking at this kid. Maybe I’m just old, but his high school yearbook pic looks like an elementary schooler to me. He looks so happy in his graduation video. As his father said: “What the hell happened?” I do wonder what will come to light when the discord is accessed.
With the same street address as the shooter on the ActBlue donation record?
No idea if this is the case here but… people be named after their grandparents.
The full address associated with the donation appears within a February 2021 FEC document (page 189,746) listing all of Act Blue’s donations during the previous month. That street address and ZIP code match the home of the shooter, according to a public records search and photos of police searching the home.
The 69 Thomas Crooks doesn’t live in Bethel Park.
There’s a political organizer with the same name a few counties over. In 2021 the shooter was 17, and not legally able to donate in PA.
I had a friend that was a die hard Bernie Sanders fan until Trump became relevant. He turned to a qanon following psycho that pushed away everyone close to him.
So a patriot?
Speaking of finances, I’d like to know how much he lost to trumps scams. I’m just impatient, that will (or won’t) be discovered in the investigation
CNN reported that he registered Rep, but made donations to Dem. Of course that was right after it happened so plenty of room for your
Discord servers are restricted ring-fenced sections of the internet. They are often used by gaming groups and communities as secure chat rooms but are also used by fringe organisations to push their ideologies and discuss wild conspiracy theories and plots.
Now THAT’S something we can regulate - politicians
Discord is so obvious, yet “oh noes china tik tok meta insta!!”
“One of them Discord users…”
“Who is this 4Chan?”
And often gaming groups engage in the second, ruining it
Crooks appeared to have featured in a TV advert for the BlackRock finance company filmed at Bethel Park High School and broadcast in 2023.
I just found a breadcrumb of what will undoubtedly be my favorite conspiracy theory to come out of this.
I don’t think enough people talk about what a boon the trump tax cuts for the rich were for the major asset management corps.
Who has time to worry about money and trickle-up economics when there could be trans ladies out there using the ladies’ room?!?!?
you kid, but I was literally talking to somebody yesterday and this would not be far off from a summary of the discussion.
Yeah, I was being sarcastic, but the people I was impersonating absolutely operate that way. I dare say it’s a big part of the Republican strategy.
BuT, tHiNk Of ThE ChiLdReN!
The people that need to talk about it have no interest in entertaining the thought.
that is the biden campaign in a nutshell.
Lol, from one point of view, true. But if your choice is either Nazi Capitalism or Pandering Capitalism, maybe we don’t have to relegate ourselves to bigotry so quickly. I mean, if we have to live in this late stage capitalist hellscape until the boomers and xgeners die, maybe we d