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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2024


  • Ok, cash out. Everyone empty the grocery stores with what ever cash you can then hold up in your houses making sure to share resources. Cut the power if your not at risk. Stop consuming. We are gears that keep the economy strong. They can break one of us but if we all stop turning they’re the ones who break down.

    This is the bar. After that comes the national guard. They will attempt to burn down something as an example but they can’t burn us all (we hope).

    Sound impossible? Well it’s not. It only sounds impossible.

    When they go to restock the grocery stores raid the trucks. When you get hungry raid the warehouses.

    Take your phone and throw it in the street.

    You are perfectly capable of living with only your local community to support you.

    Host movie nights using a generator. Put on plays. Take to the streets and use your only voice.

    It’s only a dream. Soon you will wake to the bliss of nothingness or surrounded by your friends stronger then ever before.

    The boogeymen we let haunt our nightmares can all be extinguished. The insufferable tedium of daily life can be the tedium of daily self exploration. We can rewrite the rules so that the fucking pothole that takes out 10 cars a day for the last 30 years can be filled in.

    If we only could.