• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 21st, 2023


  • The last time I made Jello I think I was like 22 or 23, so probably around 2004. I was at a party at my friend’s house that had fizzled down to about 5 people pretty early. That’s when someone had the great idea to make Jello shots… I prepared the Jello on the stove, but my friend Mary actually assembled the shots. She did not mention to anyone that she used Everclear and added almost double what the recipe called for. Anyway, she put them in the fridge and then promptly forgot about them… Until we ran out of beer. Then someone remembered. They weren’t completely set, which at the time we attributed to them not getting chilled long enough. In truth, there was so much pure alcohol in those shots that they wouldn’t have ever set even if we kept them in the freezer overnight! Assuming we were immortal, as drunk people in their early 20s tend to do, we heroicly downed about 4 of them each before we realized how strong they were… Most of the rest of that night is a blur of laughter, spinning lights, and eventually a soft couch and oblivion.

    That was probably about the 2nd or 3rd most drunk I’ve ever been before or since, and definitely top 5 worst hangovers lol

    For the record I do not drink anymore

  • I understand the point your making, but what if the simulation was actually not shared at all?

    Perhaps in this scenario the human brain is the only required hardware? Then there would only be one “base simulation” that is in fact just a basic set of prompts, rules, and initial visual stimulus that is then sent to each person in essence creating a whole separate simulation within each individual. Everything that happens after that is created based on how each individual reacts to the initial prompts. The main system would not have to create any new data to keep the simulation growing because the human mind would create and store all new information within itself. Each new person born would have all the additional hard drive and processing power needed to keep the simulation going for the rest of their lives.

    Just consider that if the world as we know it is just a simulation, and that simulation is all we have ever known since birth, how would you ever know if the other people are real or not? Would it even matter?