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Cake day: September 27th, 2023


  • Third World is an outdated term to refer to neutral countries in the cold war.

    Unless there was a sudden dramatic shift in US geopolitical policy it would literally be impossible for it to be considered third world, as the very definition of third world as the definition inherently implies that the country in question is not allied with the US and the broader Western World.

    Austria and Switzerland were third world, technically Yugoslavia was too. China became third world for a decent stretch after the sino-soviet split since the other half of the definition relies on not being allied with the Soviets in particular.

    The use of third world as an insult for poor countries is a neo-colonial mindset that just takes for granted that anyone who isn’t an outright ally of the west or of the Russians must just be too poor to be worth considering as anything but uneducated people in dirt houses living subsistence lifestyles and who’s main interaction with an apparatus of state is occasionally seeing a humvee loaded up with the child soldiers of this warlord or that drive by.

  • Maybe talk to them about how the PDA keeps reminding you of how you found out about the whole thing and ask them to dial it back.

    As distanced as you might feel from them right now, that’s still your friend and your sister, assuming they aren’t awful people they’re probably only doing it because they’re in the honeymoon phase and being reminded that not everyone’s comfortable with public intimacy will put just the right amount of ice water over their heads and snap them out of the love goggles.

    Probably also talk to your friend about how you feel like he’s never around to see you anymore. Again, love goggles, this kid is probably neglecting a lot of other relationships and needs a wake-up call on that, do not start a fight about it though, be calm and explanatory and express concern for him getting lost in the sauce.

    Lastly, adopt a policy of knocking on doors before entering even if they aren’t locked. It is gonna save your life in college.

  • Horse Race reporting, it’s literally all the mainstream has to say people are concerned about because his performance actually holds up when you check the stats.

    But if you dare say that people are literally being manipulated into thinking he’s worse than he is you’re “not understanding the median voter’s struggles”

    We need to force the sale of news corporations to the journalists so this profit maxxing bothsidesifying shit can go the way of the dodo.

  • Nah just get the work certed, it’d be available for anyone, it just needs to pass the “No AI was used at all” test, and that can be done by giving creative software tools the ability to sign files whenever AI or screen shotting tools get used in their making

    I think the approach of providing software tools the ability to grant the cert if no AI tools are used will be the way to really spread the practice, can even work with them to create a cert mode that just doesn’t even present those tools to the user in the first place.

    The next step would be getting publishing sites to use the cert or signature as a check that either blocks the upload or more leniently get a visual marker that indicates it was not made with generator tools.

    Plus checking for the cert also eliminates the crisis of teachers having to outsmart GPT to avoid their students cheating on takehome essays.