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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Really? If you bring up thosez are you also going to bring up the casualty list on both sides? Because i can guarantee you that that is slightly skewed.

    The US army sucks at keeping conquered territory, especially with make friends from enemies.

    But waltzing in and burrying you under your own shit? That’s pretty much a specialty. Can the likes of you be an annoyance at that point? Sure you can. You’ll bleed like a mofo, for each kill you make you’ll lose a humdred on your side… You’re cute.

    And again you’re missing the point that ar15 rigkes and just all fucking guns in the US cause irreparable harm, every single day.

    And again you’re missing the point that most of these ar15 owner “but the government is tyranny” types are exactly the ones voting for a tyrannical government

  • This thread really shows the biggest crime Trump has committed so far: dividing the country.

    For all the rethoric in this (and thousands of other threads) were people from both sides say the other side should die, everyone seems to forget that they’re talking about their families, their friends, their neighbours. Anyone in doubt about how a civil war actually looks like should maybe ask Yugoslavia how well that worked out for them. Yeah i know, it no longer exists.

    How many innocent civilians were murdered?

    One should also think about what will happen to the US when other countries (hello China, hello Russia) will take advantage of the US being in a civil war. Land grabbing, US land grabbing and hell, WWIII aren’t off the table.

    To be clear, I’m veryuch against Trump, against the religious extremists and their takeover of the US government, but people on both sides need to calm down and look at their leaders. Right wing leadership is fucking evil and as far as I am concerned can all burn in a fire, but were talking about a fairly small group that pushes all this.

    Stop fantasizing about murdering everyone following right wing media, most of them have been brainwashed, are dumb, or just plain angry and once all this is over, they’ll still be your family, they’ll still be your neighbor, they’ll still be your friends, they’ll still be there, and you can’t murder them all, that is not how anything works.

    Start working on bridging the gap, start working today on reaching out and pulling those angry fixkers back into the fold. Show them we’re not the enemy.

    Their leadership, again, is a different story.

  • Maybe because

    A) The AR15 is just cute if it comes to battling the US armed forces. Anyone thinking they can have an insurrection by not taking over the army, but instead having civilians with AR15’s fighting the US armed forces (or even the police forces) is just… Cute. Also, again, insurrections require less weapons and more planning, connections, popularity, that sort of thing.

    B) most of those weapons are used by the very people supporting a fascist government. All these “government evil!” types are dumb as fuck and voting for Trump.

    C) AR15 weapons have been used (and continue to be used damn near weekly) in mass shootings that has killed hundreds of children.

    Americans have shown one thing for sure: they can’t be trusted to use weapons safely, securely and responsibly. If you can’t take care of your toys (because thats what they are for most people, big boy toys) we take your toys away.

    Take a single look at any other western country and you’ll find that (barring perhaps Switzerland, where they are extremely responsible with laws and culture) they all van weapons and this shit simply. doesn’t. happen. How? There are no mass murder weapons freely available.

  • You do understand that the entire world had those “problems” since forever until just only about 10 years ago or so? It wasn’t a life or death back then, it isn’t now.

    Sure, there are some limited life or death situations where a mobile phone is critical, none of what you describe is.

    Also I was talking about mobile phones in school. They are a deterrent to learning and must go, period. You don’t NEED a mobile phone at school. You take it with you? Put it in your locker.

    Kids having a medical emergency at school don’t need a mobile phone, they need teachers and school employees making sure an ambulance is on the way.

    Its Raining at a club? Well, I drive my bike home and get wet. I’m sorry but that isn’t going to kill you.

    Seriously, whats up with this generation to think that all these new shiny gadgets that they have are critical to life? They’re not. Never were.

    And no, I’m not some anti tech genezer. I grew up with computers, I was almost always ahead of everyone in tech, and now work as a CTO. I simply understand that people get way too worked up about their tech gadgets and moreover, I see the hurt mobile phones do to children, which is far greater than the imagined issues people come upmwith if they were without their phone

  • Nothing.

    Im a normal person who grew up during the time that there were no mobile phones, and we got by just fine. Anyone arguing that its torture or dangerous to remove mobile.phones from school really need to calm down. It literally NEVER was an issue until literally the last 10 years of this worlds existence, you cannot come up with any argument that requires kids to have one.

    I can come up with a shit tonne of arguments why they shouldn’t have one, though

  • Yeah I don’t get why Democrats let Joe Biden run as he WILL pass away before this term is over (not wishful thinking and I’d wish him another 50 years more, but the guy just really doesn’t look like he’ll be around for another 4 more years), but ignoring that…

    Why are they focussing on Joe’s issues with Trump? Focus on the dictatorship part, perhaps? On the sheer incompetece? On the insanity? The crimes? The fucking insurrection? There are a million sun blazing red flags they could wave about trump, yet they try to.focus on things where Joe actually failed himself?

    Yeah, poor Joe is senile, I get it, and people should still vote for him cuz they’re living in the greatest country where they have the choice between an evil clown dictator and a senile dying grandpa. It sucks, but those are the choices. Destroy the world, or effectively vote for Joe’s running mate, as that person will be in charge soon.

    Dear god joe, please don’t die right before the elections, that would be baaaaadddd