I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.

Account migration from @skulblaka@startrek.website after learning the admins of that instance are wankers.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • skulblaka@sh.itjust.workstoMemes@lemmy.mlplease
    2 months ago

    Bro I actively challenge you to install Mint and have problems with it. It’s nearly impossible. Worst case you’ll need to wineskin some niche Windows-only game or program, but honestly even that isn’t necessary all that often in my experience. You’re going to have a no-stress install finished in a quarter the time that a windows install would be, and a robust OS that apes the windows environment to such a degree that average non-technical users won’t have any idea they’re even using Linux.

    Barring some sort of hardware incompatibility that I haven’t experienced personally, I’ve installed Mint on around a half dozen machines in the past several years and have yet to recieve a complaint from the end users. It just works.

  • Name checks out.

    Trump hasn’t been able to debate past 2004. Every single sentence out of his mouth since before his first 2016 campaign has been either gibberish or lies. I’ll take a doddering old man over a pathological liar every time if those are my two options. Not to even mention Trump’s extremely obvious dementia and extremely obvious fascist tendencies, racism, sexism, 34 felonies, convicted sex offender, on tape saying he’d like to fuck his daughter, on tape partying with Epstein, on tape committing voter fraud, can’t stay awake at his own criminal trial, moans and complains and cries at every little thing that hurts his widdle feewings…

    And this is the guy you want running for president?

  • I would have preferred that they draw a line on specific acts not being considered “official acts”, especially as we draw the line between Trump’s presidency and his 2020 reelection campaign. I’m just not seeing a lot of honest discourse as to what this decision actually means from a legal perspective.

    Well, that’s exactly the problem that has everyone up in arms here. They have made this ruling but conveniently failed to rule on what constitutes an “official” act. Therefore whenever a major ruling has to be done about this, they can decide at that time whether an act was official or not based on what flavor of president they’re ruling for or against, and until then the lower courts can take the heat off the SCOTUS directly by just ruling that everything Trump has ever done is legal because he was president once.

    It’s a very transparently partisan ruling, setting the stage for further partisan ruling in the future by being extremely vague about what their ruling actually is. This ruling boils down to “the president is allowed to do anything he wants when we say so, and is subject to rule of law only when we say so, and whether we say so will be determined after the acts in question.” In this way the conservative-packed supreme court can easily enable a conservative president or trap a liberal one.

  • That’s an awful large wall of text to tell everyone you haven’t listened to anything that’s gone on in many years. If you think Trump is about to somehow magically resolve this genocide that he’s been actively egging on from the sidelines, please learn to read.

    I do know the truth about the US political establishment, I fucking live here, you goon. And the truth is that until the civil war starts, we are reduced to voting for the lesser evil. Anything else is causing more active harm to ourselves and our fellow humans for no gain.

    So yes, I will vote for Biden, because I’m not being presented a better option. Once the blood starts spilling on American soil that may end up a different story. But for right now? This both sides bullshit is actively killing people and making the entire world worse, both here and overseas.

    I remember when Trump was in office, I remember what he said and did and what he’s promised will happen next time. I’m not about to let that happen again. If my options are 40% evil or 99% evil I’m picking the 40% every time, no question, from a purely utilitarian viewpoint.

  • Similarly, it is IMPLICIT that you and all other Americans are going to be exploited, and brown people are going to be killed, but you can pick the red guy to do it, or the blue guy.

    And that is no excuse to explicitly support the far more vocal and exploitative of the two, cheering forth the exploitation and murder because “BoTh sIDeS aRe GoiNg tO DO iT!” Fuck that. One side at least has the decency to appear publicly shameful of it. The other revels in it, where the cruelty is the point. If both sides are the same then I’m going to pick the side with a veneer of civility because to do otherwise is to give up entirely on any hope for a future. If both sides aren’t the same then we all know which color is going to end up on the right side of history, that isn’t even a question. So regardless how IMPLICIT it is that America is fucked up shit creek, it’s also EXPLICIT that the average voter doesn’t get much of a say in it and we can only either vote for ineffective neoliberalism, or vote to actively set our own faces on fire.

    “I hate the way everything is. Candidate A will make everything mostly stay the same, shitty garbage that I’m used to. Candidate B will make everything that I hate several times worse, as well as present new and novel problems we’ve never even known about before now, as well as inventing new non-issues to pad his own pockets with culture war profits. There is no candidate C. You know, I’m seriously considering voting for Candidate B.” is a brain damaged take, end of story.

    Opinions like yours is what brought you BoJo and Brexit. Forgive me if I don’t want to entertain them across the pond.