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Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • While there’s some element of truth to what you’ve said- the DNC is using the “End of Democracy” meme as one of their primary themes in their campaign messaging- I don’t think that had anything to do with this shooting.

    Statistically speaking the vast majority of domestic terrorism comes from far-right extremists. We don’t know the motivations behind the shooter at this point in time, but the consensus seems to be so far that he was conservative.

    I think it’s much more likely he was radicalized online and either

    a) wanted to kill Trump to further polarize the political tension in an accelerationist sense (sort of like how far-right organizations were shooting both protestors & police during Euromaidan. Just to increase the outrage, the violence, etc).

    Basically an attempt to weaken the regime


    b) he became a white supremacist and those tend to hate Trump. Go on stormfront forums and see what they say about Trump. They think he’s a jewlover, fake messiah, etc. They hate Jews, Trump loves jews. Therefore, Trump is a potential target.


    c) was just nutty plain and simple. Ie killing Trump would unite him with some cartoon character from Nickelodean in the afterlife.

    All of those are vastly more likely than someone being radicalized by DNC messaging, I believe.

  • Dems promise status quo. America as a whole does not want status quo. Cost of living keeps going up while technology rips apart society in ways we would have never predicted a decade ago.

    As long as the only alternative to Trump is status quo, Trump will always win. The DNC’s only real concern is maintaining the current power structure. But it’s like Blockbuster ignoring the rise of Netflix. The winds have changed. The future is going to be radically different for better and definitely for worse.

  • Nobody showed up because the DNC wanted it that way. It’s standard operating procedure to blindly stand behind the incumbent because statistically incumbent has a higher chance to win.

    It’s the safe option, so the DNC put their weight behind Biden.

    If DNC actually wanted an open primary with all sorts of people trying to win, we could have done that. But we didn’t.

    Now it’s becoming obvious Biden has no chances of winning this election because of his deteriorating mental condition. Not only that, he’s even less likely to be an effective head of state. Why are we choosing to put ul an almost-senile guy to represent the strongest country in the world?

    I think another primary is fully justified. The best course of action would have been to have a real primary in the first place. But what else are you going to do at this point?

    Biden can’t win and even if he could he shouldn’t win

  • We can discuss what people should do all day. I’m talking about what people will do. Biden is losing this election. People are talking more about whether he is even capable of the job and nothing about the good things he can do for the country. His own party is rebelling against him, with Dems from swing states calling for his resignation.

    Biden’s toast, and the DNC with him. It’s unfortunate but it is what it is.

  • You have to look at it from the GOP perspective. Trump is the most popular candidate, he managed to accomplish big ticket items in his administration, and he is more “mentally there” than Biden.

    Just look at debate. Trump spoke quickly and confidently. Biden mumbles and forgets what he’s talking about, stands there with mouth open staring, etc.

    There’s a reason in 2020 debates, polls showed most people thought Biden won the 2 debates. But in the last one, overwhelming % of people thought Trump won debates- even democratic voters.

  • I think you misunderstand who is asking Biden to drop out and why.

    Dems are interested in who is the DNC candidate and Republicans are interested in the GOP candidate.

    Republicans as a whole are OK with Trump. He’s not incredibly popular, but he has some achievements under his belt and has a relatively small but very loyal core group of voters. The average Republican believes that a) Trump has good chances of winning election and b) will likely move forward conservative policy objectives.

    Therefore, why would they want him to drop out?

    If we look on the other side at Biden. A growing group of people believe that he is not 100% mentally there because of his age. Because of this, not only does he a) have lower chances of winning the election but also b) is he really competent enough to be president? Sure, there’s a sort of shadow administration behind him but people still put value in having a strong and mentally quick head of state.

    Beyond that, there’s also a small group of progressive voters who are unhappy with Biden’s policies. He simply isn’t a very effective leader and is one of the most unpopular presidents in US history. He’s even more unpopular than Trump, who was also a deeply unpopular president.

    So, people want Biden to resign because they believe other people would not only a better chance of winning election, but would be more effective leaders in terms of advancing DNC policy objectives.

  • I’ve read a couple of the majority opinions and dissenter opinions

    The president already had presumptive immunity for official acts. This basically just reinforces the precedent and sets up a framework for determining official vs unofficial.

    Nothing about this ruling fundamentally changes Trump’s position except that he has the option of claiming he was “acting officially” for example during Jan 6th. Then it will go up to USSC and they will determine the specifics case by case

    Why does it not matter as much as it seems? Because a president already had presumptive immunity for official acts before.

    Yes, it’s important. But it’s not the end to democracy. It essentially creates a check against the executive branch by the judicial branch. And honestly, I’m OK with that considering how powerful the executive branch is.

    Biden’s campaigners don’t care about any of that. It’s their job to get people to vote. They don’t care about the truth. I get it, I would do the same thing in their position.

    Everybody talking about replacing you because of your terrible debate performance? Blast the “End to democracy” tagine as loud as you can so that news cycle changes.

    It worked like a charm, I think it was a good strategic move

  • Acts done in an official manner are immune. So for example if the president orders assassination of political leader of another country (what Trump did with Iran’s Suleinami (I’m probably butchering name)). Protects president from prosecution for murder or whatever if there is evidence it was done in the interest of the state.

    Another example is something Biden / Trump and even Hilary are guilty of. The misuse or mishandling of classified materials. Since they are acting in an official manner, it isn’t a crime like it would be if a normal citizen mishandled the documents.

    Acts done in an “unofficial manner” are not immune. So let’s say a Mr President does some insider trading while president to enrich himself personally. That presumably would still be illegal and he could be charged.

    So who decides what is official and what isn’t? The courts. Lower courts make a determination and presumably it would go up to the SC if necessary.

    It’s an interesting question. For example- Reagan’s Iran-Contra episode. Where his administration was smuggling cocaine in order to get money to covertly supply weapons to Iran. Would that be official or unofficial?

    I think people need to realize the president has had broad powers to do a lot of dubious things for decades. This doesn’t necessarily increase or decrease his power, but creates a potential pathway to either prosecute or acquit him. Whereas before, it always stayed in the legal gray zone (in Reagan’s Iran Contra)

  • I think the Dems are trying to spin this as another item in the “war for Democracy” when really it’s just the SC re-affirming the constitution. It’s also very conveniently timed to detract attention from the growing calls for Biden to step down after his less than ideal debate performance.

    When an item gets put onto the political agenda list, it becomes polarized and if you are on Party A or Party B you immediately support or reject it based on affiliation with little thought.