Can someone remind me when destroying evidence, whether real or performative, was a plus for someone running for ATTORNEY General.
I’m getting so tired of the Nazis…why are we at this point…why can’t we be compassionate and reasonable.
We can’t because compassion and reason are antithetical to their plans.
Bob Chipman @the_moviebob
There can be no “unprovoked” violence against a Nazi. The sole aim and focus of their philosophical existence is violence. If you take up that identity, you’ve already declared violent intent - anything done in response is just varying levels on self-defense.
Hello, guys? You ok over there??
No, help
If you have to ask, the answer is “no”.
We would appreciate it if Europe could liberate us from the Nazis this time around. We could really use some godless Scandinavian socialism over here.
Just when you think they can’t get worse than jogging Josh Hawley. They always find a way to go lower. I will be excitedly looking forward to voting against this candidate. I just hope Democrats can bother to field anyone that might even be interesting to vote for.
NOT investigating Criminals is called LAW AND ORDER!
Is this a marketing thing I need to nail down before some other fuck makes money on it? Surely the following advertising ideas would be terrible right?
Dentist that sells taffy as a teeth whitener?
Fireman that sells fireworks?
Teacher that teachers the Bibl… WHOOPS how did that one slip into a hypothetical?
What the fuck is this timeline?
This timeline is great. Something that, in a normal timeline, would be a complete joke and would make the person extremely embarrassed to the point of never coming out of their home again because everyone knows that they’re a complete imbecile.
Where in this timeline, the idiot does it unironically and isn’t completely embarrassed by his stupid embarrassing behavior and in fact is proud of it.