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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • Dismantling two and a half centuries of checks, balances, and protections isn’t half as easy as you may think.

    The jury is still out on whether he’s capable enough to do it if he wins again. This said, who the fuck wants to take that chance?

    Trump is also a selfish, amoral piece of shit that will pull us out of NATO and kowtow to Putin as he expands across Europe. He doesn’t care about anyone but himself, and the foreign countries and businesses he’s forever indebted to.

    The only “upside” to this guy is the delusions he’s selling his fanclub on. They’re all lies, but America is infested with enough idiots that we’re now having to deal with this situation.

    I’m so ashamed of this segment of my countrymen. What absolute rubes Trump voters are.

  • Biden dropping out could actually lead to Trump’s, defeat is the right person is chosen. If he dies of old age before the election, however, then we may see a landslide defeat.

    That said, Trump is just as likely to die of old age at this point, if not moreso due to his propensity to indulge in hamburders and rage-fueled rants.

    I guess stay I’m saying is fuck all of this. I’ve never felt less patriotic on the fourth of July than this year… What a fucking shitshow.

    Edit: But hey, maybe Biden is right. Stubbornness and self-aggrandizing behavior worked out great for RBG, right?

  • This isn’t even a joke… Like, I keep hearing my conservative family members express that they can’t vote for “someone with dementia”. Glossing past Trump’s many, many, many senior moments, it comes down to the fact the president is supported by an entire cabinet.

    If Biden gets poo brain, he’s going to rely on his cabinet. If Trump continues down his poo brain path, he will never rely on a cabinet (especially since it’s full of yes-men). He will just let the dimentia drive him, just like he did in his first term.

    E.g. Airports in the 1700s, convincing everyone covid isn’t that bad prior to a vaccine, posting “white power” to his Twitter, tear gassing protesters for a Photo OP where he holds a Bible upside-down. I could go on, and on, and on…

    But sure, let’s all pretend Biden’s old man brain is a real serious problem. Because sometimes he… ::checks notes:: falls on stairs, and fumbles words.

    These clowns voted for fucking George W. Bush, by the way.